Support in finding a business partner in Germany/Iran
In case you do not already have a business partner in Germany/Iran or you are looking for a buainess partner, we can support your business. We find business partners for you that fulfill your requirments for business, provide you with comprehensive reports about their activities and financial conditions.
Establishment of legal entities
Start-Up registration and M&A in Iran and Germany. If your company need to have an office in Germany or in Iran, we can offer you a comprehensive plan from A to Z.
Supporting your negotiations in Iran and Germany
Bei Verhandlungen mit iranischen Firmen kann es zu vielen Missverständnissen kommen, die zu einer Verzögerung oder zum Misserfolg führen. Mit unserer Kompetenz im Bereich Verhandlungen unterstützen wir Sie dabei Ihre Verhandlungen mit iranischen Geschäftspartnern erfolgreich zu beenden, um eine Kooperation ohne Hindernisse beginnen zu können.
Project management and project control
Wir kennen uns mit dem Markt Iran aus und verfügen vor Ort über kompetentes Personal. Falls Sie noch keinen Vertreter im Iran oder kein Personal haben, das den iranischen Markt kennt, bieten wir Ihnen die Möglichkeit Ihr Projekt professionell betreuen zu lassen.
Business Coaching
The German market is international, however, dealing with German business partners need a basic understanding of their mentalities, socio-political, economical and cultural understanding. This will help you in personnel management, negotiations, investment planning and business parterships
Dealing with govermental and public authorities
In Germany, you should do all business communications such as applications, permissions for your products and services on-site and in the official language, German. Our office in Tehran and in Kassel/Germany will arrange all your business communications with state-level and federal-level communications.
Market research and strategic planning for market entry
Germany is in the heart of Europe and offer a great market for Iranian products. However, because the sophicticated Consumption, one needs to have a careful planning of market entry, marketing, production and sales. We support you in finding out your market in Europe.
Marketing and sales consulting
Germany offers a great market for foreign products. To use the opportunities in the German market, we support you in all the stages. If your company would like to open a representative in Germany, we can offer our consulting in Tehran and Kassel.
Purchasing and procurement
Made-in-Germany is a demanded product und well-known world-wide. We accompany you on your way to attend trade fairs, find suppliers and shortlisting them. Additionally we do the price negotiations, transport calculations and offer you a road map how to deal with your German suppliers.You can count on our competencies in this regard.
On-site crisis management
Every company may encounter difficulties that prolong the process of production, marketing, product launch and business development. If you encounter a crises outside of your headquartes (in Iran or in Germany) you have to be present on-site and find a solution in the shortest time. Wir offer you our personnel and expertise to solve your problems in crises times.
Please do not hesitate to contact us in case you would like to have more information about our consulting services.